Your Favourite Meal of the Day: Why it’s Helpful for Mums to Know

Your Favourite Meal of the Day: Why it’s Helpful for Mums to Know | Border Park Kitchen

Ever since I was a little girl, my favourite meal of the day has been breakfast. In the ’80s, I remember occasionally eating Goodstart – a multi-grain type of breakfast biscuit. Goodstart was more flavoursome than Weet-Bix and it was special because it was shop-bought (unlike our usual staple, Mum’s homemade muesli — which I’ve adapted […]

Flavour 101: A Quick Guide to Achieving it Using a Cast Iron Frypan

Flavour 101: A Quick Guide to Achieving it Using a Cast Iron Pan | Border Park Kitchen

Ever wondered how food cooked in cast-iron can become so flavoursome? This might seem an inconsequential thing for a busy Mum who just wants to get dinner on the table, but stick with me. It’s worth understanding the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of naturally-created flavour for at least 3 reasons: We nourish and delight our families […]

The Surprising Resource that is Most Valuable in Your Kitchen

Most valuable kitchen resource - surprisingly | Border Park Kitchen

You’ve likely heard this well-known saying many times. The Kitchen – The Heart of the Home Yes, for families, the kitchen certainly is one of the most frequented rooms of the house. But I believe this quote needs an addendum in recognition of the person who most often is the faithful resident in this space. […]

11 Easy Ways to Make Delicious Soups without Meat

11 Easy Ways to Make Delicious Soups without Meat | Border Park Kitchen

As the cooler weather continues, I still find myself thinking about soups. Like, a lot. In fact, soup might just be my favourite wintery meal! Soups are comforting, economical, nourishing and wholesome. They can be made with ingredients that you have on hand (like those limp veggies at the bottom of the fridge!) Soups can […]

The Greatest Kitchen Gift I’ve Been Given (that I’m Now Sharing)

Most valuable kitchen gift | Border Park Kitchen

I’m a self-confessed lazy cook who also happens to enjoy food that nourishes me. About 7 years ago, the gorgeous Aussie blogger, Jules Clancy, author of 5 Ingredients, 10 Minutes, gave me a special gift. It’s a gift that I use every single day, as well as one that I actively pass onto our kids. […]

Meet Peri: 11 Things You May Not Know About Me

Meet Peri - 11 Things You May Not Know About Me | Border Park Kitchen

If you’re like me, you’re most likely curious to know who is behind the business you follow or support. You may enjoy digging a little deeper to discover if you share anything in common with them. So, for this reason, I thought it would only be right to kick off this blog by introducing myself. […]

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