
Kitchen > Recipes > Simple Vegie Quiche

Simple Vegie Quiche

Simple Vegie Quiche | Border Park Kitchen
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Gluten Free

For food allergies and intolerances, please carefully check the ingredient list on each product before using or consuming.


Quiche ingredients

  • 12 eggs
  • 1 onion, finely diced
  • 1 cup vegies (see notes)
  • ½ cup milk of choice
  • 3 tbsp parmesan cheese, grated *
  • 1 tbsp seeded mustard
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper


‘Pastry’ ingredients

  • ½ cup rolled oats
  • ½ cup grated cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 200˚ Grease a large pyrex or baking dish approx. 22 x 33cm (9 x 13”).
  2. Oats and cheese. In a small bowl, mix rolled oats and cheese together. Sprinkle a very thin layer onto the base of dish. (see recipe notes below)
  3. Mix ingredients. Add all quiche ingredients to a large bowl and mix well.
  4. Pour onto pastry. Carefully pour over the pastry ingredients.
  5. Cook for 30 – 40 minutes, or until firmly set and golden brown. If it’s browning on top too quickly, cover with foil.
Serve with:  

A garden salad, or sourdough slathered in butter

  • For dairy-free, use 3 tbsp nutritional yeast in place of the parmesan cheese in the quiche, and 2 tsp in place of the grated cheese in the pastry.
  • For gluten-free, opt for certified gluten-free oats, use rolled quinoa flakes or skip the pastry.

Use any vegies you have on hand – baby spinach, grated carrot or sweet potato, halved cherry tomatoes, left over roast vegies, sliced zucchini, frozen peas etc.

More substantial:  

Add cooked meat to the quiche or serve with extra root vegies that you’ve roasted while cooking the quiche.

Boost the flavour:  
  • Fry off onions with a drizzle of oil for 5 – 10 minutes before mixing through the wet ingredients.
  • Before baking, sprinkle the top of the quiche with my Onion and Herb Spice blend.
Storage suggestions:  

Leftovers can be stored in an airtight, oven-proof dish and store in the fridge for up to 4 days, or frozen for up to 3 months.

Time Saving Tips:  

Opt for vegies that don’t need cutting such as baby spinach, frozen peas, corn kernals or cherry tomatoes.

Peri’s Tip:  

To make this even quicker, I often skip the oats/cheese pastry, and just sprinkle a very fine layer of almond meal onto the base of the greased dish. Use pepita meal or desiccated coconut if you’re avoiding nuts.

Recipe Notes:

Pastry: The trick to making this simple pastry is to make sure you use just enough oat/cheese mix to almost cover the base – it’s OK to see small gaps. If you are too generous with your mix, you’ll end up with a thick, dense base. If you’ve ended up with too much, carefully scoop out a little of the oat/cheese mix and stir it into the quiche mixture. No one will be any the wiser!

Peri's Recipe Reflections:

You know those meals that you keep coming back to …. Because you know how to make it from memory, you usually have all the ingredients on hand, and everyone in your family actually enjoys eating? The one you make when you’ve got friends visiting, who end up staying for lunch?

Yep, well this is one of those recipes.

And despite the longer list of ingredients, it’s really only takes 10 minutes to mix up and pop in the oven. This leaves you ample time to chat with family or guests, and rustle up a side salad (this bit is totally optional!).

Can I suggest printing it out and sticking it on your fridge? You can thank me later 😉


Peri x


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